
Fundamentals of Strategic Management

J.E. Navas-López & L.A. Guerras-Martín

2nd edition, 2018

This is a list of the applications included in the book. Applications are short examples about some specific aspects of a firm. The first digit of the code is related to the number of the chapter in the textbook. That way, you can relate the application to its content. Some of them are included in the paper book and some others, in the digital book.

1.1: Chess and business strategy by Miguel Illescas
1.2: Games of strategy and the role of corporate competition
1.3: The strategic failure of Barnes & Nobles, by Francisco Javier Forcadell Martínez
1.4: Nokia – a strategic failure, by Francisco Javier Forcadell Martínez
1.5: The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), by Iván Martén Uliarte
1.6: The blind men and an elefhant, and strategy
1.7: Raíz y Páramo de Guzmán, success through effort and chance, by Teresa García Merino and Valle Santos Álvarez

2.1: Examples of a vision
2.2: Examples of a mission
2.3: Vision, mission, and values at Naturgy, by Javier Amores Salvadó
2.4: Strategic objectives at Abertis, by Pablo Moura Díez
2.5: Earnings, returns and market value
2.6: Value creation in the ACS Group, by Jorge Cruz González
2.7: Conflicting goals at Galletas Gullón, by Javier Amores Salvadó
2.8: Conflicting objectives among Repsol’ main shareholders, by Rocío González Sánchez
2.9: Stakeholders at Mercadona
2.10: Management incentive schemes in Spanish firms, by María Sacristán Navarro
2.11: Values at Triodos Bank, by Javier Amores Salvadó
2.12: Edenred, a tool for supporting corporate social responsibility of its costumers, by Diana Benito Osorio
2.13: Corporate social responsibility in the VIPS Group, by José Joaquín López-Hermoso Agius
2.14: The ethical code at Naturgy, by Javier Amores Salvadó

3.1: Spain`s Global Competitiveness Index, by Jorge Cruz González
3.2: Marca España (Brand Spain), by Marta Beatriz García Moreno and Susana Mª García Moreno
3.3: Scenarios for the bailout of the Spanish financial system, by Jorge Cruz González
3.4: Economic effects of the change toward a healthier lifestyle, by Jorge Cruz González
3.5: The Parque Joyero (Jewellery Park) industrial district in Córdoba, by Javier Amores Salvadó
3.6: Application of the Abell model to the media
3.7: Competitive structure of the Spanish automotive industry, by Daría Sánchez Fernández
3.8: Industry effect and firm effect on corporate performance, by José Ángel Zúñiga Vicente
3.9: Strategic groups in the urban hotel industry, by Eva Pelechano Barahona and Fernando E. García Muiña
3.10: Strategic groups in food retailing

4.1: The Atresmedia Group’s value chain, by Eva Pelechano Barahona and Fernando E. García Muiña
4.2: Supplier dealing at Ford España
4.3: Costumers’ external information system: the Nike case, by Carmen De Pablos Heredero
4.4: Best Spanish and Global brands, by Jorge Cruz González
4.5: Organisational routines in holding an exam at the university
4.6: The transfer of managers between Hewlett Packard and Oracle, by Jorge Cruz González
4.7: Resources and capabilities in a sport team
4.8: The SWOT matrix for for the Atresmedia Group, by Eva Pelechano Barahona and Fernando E. García Muiña

5.1: Is a trip to the cinema too expensive?
5.2: The experience effect at Ford
5.3: Sources of competitive advantage in costs in large retail outlets
5.4: Product differentiation at Patek Philippe, by Miriam Delgado Verde
5.5: Examples of sources of differentiation as a competitive advantage, by Pablo Moura Díez
5.6: Social responsibility as a source of differentiation at Ecoalf
5.7: Competitive strategies in El Corte Inglés and DIA
5.8: Competitive strategic change in the supermarkets of El Corte Inglés, by Diana Benito Osorio
5.9: The strategic clock in air transport, by Sonia Medina Salgado and Rocío González Sánchez
5.10: Strategies condemned to failure in the car industry
5.11: The vinyl record and its life-cycle, by Juan José Nájera Sánchez and Antonio Montero Navarro
5.12: “EV charging points”, an emerging industry, by Miriam Delgado Verde
5.13: Growth industries: smartphones, by Antonio Montero Navarro and Juan José Nájera Sánchez
5.14: Re-orienting the scope in the building industry, by Jorge Cruz González
5.15: The decline of Spain’s music industry: from the demise of records to the rebirth of live performances, by Carmen De la Calle Durán
5.16: Polarbox: differentiation strategy in a traditional market, by Aurora Martínez Martínez and Juan Gabriel Cegarra Navarro NEW

6.1: The definition of the scope at Telefónica
6.2: Calidad Pascual’ expansion strategy
6.3: Related diversification at Imaginarium
6.4: Related diversification in the Paradores hotel chain, by Noelia Gonzalo Hevia
6.5: Unrelated diversification in El Pozo, by Miriam Delgado Verde
6.6: Vertical integration at Caladero, by Miriam Delgado Verde
6.7: Vertical integration at Globalia, by Diana Benito Osorio
6.8: Restructuring Ferrovial’s business portfolio, by Pedro López Sáez
6.9: Acciona, a business portfolio in constant evolution, by Ana Barquero Redondo

7.1: Internal development at IKEA, by Jorge Cruz González
7.2: The process of concentration in the Spanish banking industry
7.3: The merger between Iberia and British Airways, by Pedro López Sáez
7.4: The takeover of SABMiller by AB InBev, by Daniel Vinagre Alba
7.5: The demerger of Hewlett-Packard, by Jerson Saluhect Correa Hita
7.6: Spain´s Grifols buys Talecris, by Javier Amores Salvadó
7.7: IAG’s takeover bid for Vueling, by Javier Amores Salvadó
7.8: Organisational and productive integration in Banesto´s takeover by Banco Santander
7.9: UPS and the failed attempt to buy TNT Express, by Javier Amores Salvadó
7.11: Alliances according to the type of relationship between partners
7.12: The alliance of Europe’ major newspapers
7.13: The franchise agreement at McDonald’s España
7.14: Subcontracting between Indra and Prisa
7.15: The AVE (High-Speed Railway) to Mecca Consortium, by Javier Amores Salvadó
7.16: The alliance between General Motors and Peugeot-Citroen, by Gregorio Martín de Castro
7.17: Share swap between Telefónica and China Unicom, by Miriam Delgado Verde
7.18: Inter-organisational networks in the airlines industry
7.19: The consortium for the development of the Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft, by Belén María Moreno Cabezalí and Lydia Murillo Ramos NEW

8.1: Global and multi-domestic industries: aeronautics and wine production
8.2: The international competitive strategy at 100 Montaditos, by Miriam Delgado Verde
8.3: International competitive strategy at McDonald’s, by Javier Amores Salvadó
8.4: Export strategy of Bodegas Valduero
8.5: The Tous international alliance in China, by Miriam Delgado Verde
8.6: Direct investment in Poland by Banco Santander, by Jorge Cruz González
8.7: The localisation of Joma Sport’s operations, by Javier Amores Salvadó
8.8: The management of expatriate in Spanish multinational companies, by Pedro López Sáez
8.9: Ferrovial’s expatriation policy, by Ismael Jimeno Pérez
8.10: Managing the cultural gap with China
8.11: The international organisational culture at Nestlé
8.12: Ford Motor Company: Strategy and organisation, by Marta Peris Ortiz and Diana Benito Osorio
The internationalisation of llaollao., by Diego Corrales-Garay and Antonio Montero-Navarro

9.1: The process of evaluating the entry strategies in external markets
9.2: The fable of the rabbits
9.3: The implementation of strategy in a military context: The Battle of the Amézcoas
9.4: Strategic and organisational change at Correos y Telégrafos, by Eva María Mora Valentín
9.5: Evolution of the organisational structure of Correos y Telégrafos, by Eva María Mora Valentín
9.6: The leader in recycling, by Carmen De la Calle Durán and Marta Ortiz de Urbina Criado
9.7: Amancio Ortega, a leader in the shadows, by Ana Farto Muñoz
9.8: The visionary leader at Apple
9.9: HR as a factor in strategy implementation; The case of FNAC ant its project “100% Revolución Ciente” (100% Customer Revolution), by Guadalupe Rico García and María Sacristán Navarro
9.10: HR at Kellog’s, by Carmen de la Calle Durán
9.11: The management of cultural change at BBVA
9.12: CaixaBank’s strategic plan, by Miriam Delgado Verde
9.13: Application of the Balanced Scorecard
9.14: Aligning Strategy and Team in DHL Express: The Fundamental Role of Human Capital, by Lydia Murillo Ramos and Belén María Moreno Cabezalí NEW

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